Research Tokens

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Research Tokens are items that can either be found or acquired via EXP stores that have a variety of uses.

Research Tokens come in a variety of styles based on a base "skill". These are typically: Terrestrial Magic, Ethereal Magic, Herbalism, or Blacksmith.

These tokens also come in three seperate "values", 1, 2 and 3.


Many tokens are acquired via exp stores, as well as scavenging and item caches.

Cashing Them In

Research tokens can be turned in for research as well as to gain new spells. They can also be turned in for recipes.

When turning in tokens to gain a new recipe or spell, sum up the number of tokens you are turning in and then consult the following chart:

Token Total Recipe Level Spell Level
1 Apprentice 1 - 3
2 Journeyman 4 - 6
3 Master 7 - 9
4 Grandmaster Ritual 1 - 2