Armor Material Types

Leather Armors

Soft Leather

Leather thickness greater than 1mm (3 oz) but less than 3mm (8 oz), including Suede.

Hard Leather

Leather thickness greater than or equal to 3mm (8oz) and/or treated to harden.

Leather <1mm will be considered clothing.

Chain Armors

Ring Mesh

22-24-gauge steel rings that are welded closed for strength.

Light Chain

Aluminum rings no thinner than 16 Ga SWG (0.0625”, 1.59mm) with an inner diameter no greater than 5/16 inch

Medium Chain

Steel rings no thinner than 18 Ga SWG (0.048”, 1.2mm) with an inner diameter no greater than 3/8 inch.

Heavy Chain

Steel rings no thinner 16 Ga SWG (0.0625”, 1.59mm) with an inner diameter no greater than 5/16 inch.

Chain base values are based on the European 4 in 1 pattern. Professional (5%) and Master Crafted (10%) bonuses will be granted to armors that exceed the minimum. For example, denser aspect ratios (using a thicker gauge or smaller inner diameter); denser weaves like 6in1, King’s Maille, or Persian; and higher-grade materials (Titanium).

Scale Armors

Large Scale

Extra Large, Large, and Medium sized scales. Sizes based on scale sizes.

Tiny Scale

Small and Tiny sized scales. Sizes based on scale sizes.

Polyurethane Plate

Wynmwick/Dragon Armory

Only Wyrmwick or Dragon Armory armors are eligible for this category.

Metal Armors


16 Ga (~1.5mm) minimum thickness, provides base points. Not eligible to receive professional or master quality bonuses.


20 Ga (~1mm) Grants professional quality bonus as base, eligible for master quality bonus.

Not meeting minimum thickness grants the fake material penalties.