Pathway of the Phoenix

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Like all Epic Pathways, the abilities must be learned in order, and all requirements met before the Epic Ability is granted.

1st Epic Ability

Skill Requirements

  • Greater Informational Lore: Mythical Creatures
  • Weapon Skill (any)
  • 2+ Weapon Damage
  • Healer Arts
  • Healer Spells 5/4/3/2/1 minimum
  • Elemental Arts
  • 1+ Resist Darkness

Roleplay Requirements

Must belong to or be closely associated with a group that involves a Phoenix.


Cleansing Flame - This ability allows you to add the Light tagline to any fire based attack or spell.

2nd Epic Ability

Skill Requirements

  • 1+ Parry
  • Elemental Spells 5/4/3/2/1 minimum

Roleplay Requirements

The character must have interacted with a Phoenix.


Cheat Death - 5 points up to 5 times.

3rd Epic Ability

Skill Requirements

  • 1+ Cheat Death
  • Fortify 2+
  • Mastery Fortify 1+
  • Riding: Airborn (any)

Roleplay Requirements

The character must ahve acquired a phoenix feather in play, and must consume such as part of gaining the final skill.


Incenerate - 1/day - This ability deals 250 points of Fiery (+Light) damage in a 10 foot radius, centered on the caster. Anything which falls to below zero hit points is turned to ash, and must resurrect if possible.